ADHD a Neurological Disorder?

Wow! There is some fascinating new research that is pointing to the possibility that “early-onset brain anomalies” in young children, may be tied to “attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in preschoolers”. The article appears in The New York Times and the result of the study were published Monday in Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. The results “tell us that this is not just a behavioral disorder. It is a neurological disorder.”

The good news is, when we begin early interventions, we can reshape/rewire and expand the brain’s function. According to Dr. Mark Mahone, the senior author of this study, “…what matters most is not so much what the brain looks like at any particular moment…but how the brain grows and changes; it’s the trajectory that needs to be understood, and which will help project future function and target help and interventions”.

Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy works with children as young as 4. We provide one-on-one interactions for each client with a Qualified Mental Health Associate and a horse of the client’s choosing. Through work with horses, clients build on their ability to stay focused and on task. They diminish impulsive behaviors “they worry our horse,” build self-confidence and learn to set safe personal boundaries (among other things!)

If you know a child that is struggling with ADHD, (or other social, emotional, behavioral or mental health issues) we are here to help. Call or email and we will schedule a visit for you. We will show you around the ranch, introduce our wonderful herd of horse, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.

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