How the face and future of autism has changed

A_Better_Chance_Schoolcal_Autism_Foundation_1_241546Our awareness of autism has grown, as more and more kids are diagnosed. What many people are just now starting to think about is what will this population look like when they reach adulthood. With early intervention the chance for a child diagnosed with autism to have a rich full life increases. But unfortunately, there continues to be many kids who will lack the skills necessary for holding down any kind of a job and Shannonpossibly for even living independently.

This is an interesting article, presented by CNN, that looks at what we can expect based on current information, research and resources.  Sadly, the current expectations are not very 120401055811-iyw-cafe-blends-story-topencouraging and I truly believe that we can, AND will have to, do better.

Early intervention is so important, but it is never to late to see growth, learning and change take place.

We work with children as young as 4, teens and True Loveeven adults. If you or someone you know is living with or caring for someone on the autism spectrum, we would love to show you around the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAranch. We will introduce you to our horses, learn more about the challenges you are dealing with and share how we might be able to help. Call or email to schedule a visit.

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