Category: Reactive Attachment Disorder
Depression can turn deadly
The incidence of teen suicide is alarmingly high, and as we have recently seen, sometimes depression leads to explosive, violent and deadly rage. Even if a teen is nowhere near harming them self or others, they do not need to suffer with depression, as there are many, many effective interventions. But first we have to…
Eating Disorders and Impulsivity
For some people the saying ‘No one can eat just one’ is more true than for others. And we all wonder why. A new study suggests this failure of self-control is a form of impulsive behavior that is a result of cellular activities in the part of the brain involved with reward. Ok, so here’s where…
How do we know if our children are being bullied?
Bullying has become an all to common problem. Oh I know, lots of you will say it has always been around, but I truly believe that it has gone to a whole new level. We work so hard to help our kids feel good about themselves and to teach them to be kind and respectful…
Horses continue to help people with learning, growth and change
There have been a lot of stories in the news lately of different programs working with horses to help people dealing with a variety of issues. This particular article, talks about research that a professor, at North Dakota State University, is doing that looks at comparing certain student’s tendencies, before and after participating in his…
Tip of the week 4.1.14
BE AGREEABLE. Make it easy for people to deal with you. Don’t be angry and disruptive merely because you can. Sometimes we get in the habit of being negative. We may be dealing with a lot of stress and take it out on those closest to us when in fact, they deserve the best of…
Special needs kids AND their families need our understanding
Though I think we have come a long way in our understanding and ability to be compassionate when it comes to kids with special needs, we still have a long way to go. In this article several moms share their personal experiences with intolerance. We all need to work together to educate and model tolerance, acceptance…
Tip of the week 3.10.14
Of course, your eyes, ears, and brain tell you a lot about a person. And when you know a lot about a person it is easy to begin to make assumptions. But the view from the outside of a person is not always the view from the inside. Be careful when considering the status and…
When Foster Kids “Age Out” of the System
Recently my good friend, Joseph Galata, Executive Director for Sierra Association of Foster Families, has been talking about the many homeless young people he has met who were in foster care before ‘aging out’ of the system. It is a sad statement that we have been unable to prepare these young people to be healthy,…
When Tantrums are a Sign of More Serious Issues
Look, almost all kids at one time or another throw a earth-shaking, mind numbing tantrum. They are having a really bad day and that one last thing just tips them over the edge. Parents, teachers and casual bystanders are awestruck by the human tornado. Though at the time it is mortifying and alarming, for most…
Bullying can have long term consequences
Sadly, stories of bullying and the devastating consequences are in the news almost daily. New research is showing that being bullied can cause life-time issues. Many of our clients have been bullied and, in some cases have even bullied others. Horses can be powerful guides in dealing with bullying issues. For those who have been bullied…