A new study shows that the symptoms of ADHD improve when kids spend time outdoors. The truth is that even here in Reno, kids today are often “nature deprived.” Many of them leave their homes for school in the morning and return home at the end of the day with little interaction with anything other than a classroom and blacktop.
Weekends may provide some relief, but more likely it’s time in front of the TV, household chores and tag along to the grocery store. Many, many kids don’t even have any thing that resembles a “yard”. Not to mention parent’s fear of letting the kids wander too far from home, the streets just don’t feel safe.
As if the wonderful work our horses do was not reason enough, the kids in our program are exposed to many facets of the natural world around them. From the Great Blue Heron visiting the front pond, to the little froggies hiding under the pasture water trough, our clients get to see a different side of life…the natural side. Client’s get excited watching the hawks glide by or seeing the Muskrats diving in the pond.
They enjoy the experience of submerging their arms in the cool water of the horse trough, as many of them are discouraged from “playing” while in the tub. And even the teens can appreciate an opportunity for a quiet walk in a cool, green place.
If your child or teen is dealing with ADHD or other issues, we invite you to come on out to the ranch, meet our wonderful horses and learn more about how our program may be able to help. Call us today to schedule a visit.