Wow! It’s hard to believe that soooo much time has gone by since my last post. The fact is, it has been an incredibly challenging time, but that’s what growth is all about! Our new location at the UNR Equestrian Center is coming along nicely. We have settled in and our clients are
getting used to the new routines. From the covered grooming area to our great mini trail ride, there are so many new things to see and do. As things settle down we go back to the things that worked well, such as our quote of the week, which I think is particularly apropos…
From the book “The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People”:
“Spending your time imagining what would have been if you could have changed some little thing, some little decision in your life, is counterproductive and leaves you unhappy. Think about how you can improve for the future, but don’t waste your present thinking about how you could have changed the past”.
Research on athletes who came close but lost in Olympic finals finds that those who spend the least time on counterfactual thought – thinking about how things might have ended differently – are the most satisfied with their experience. Gilovich and Medvec 1995
2 Responses to Tip of the week 8/5/13