In our rush, rush, busy, multi-tasking lives, it is easy to get caught up in what you will be doing next “gotta remember to pick up the dry cleaning. The dog is due for shots. What will we have for dinner tonight?” When this happens we are no longer present in what is happeing right now. We miss the moment. I think of it as taking pictures of an event. I have experienced it taking shots at a horses. Think of taking pictures at a family picinic. You get great pictures of everyone, but you don’t take the time to have any potato salad or visit with aunt Julie. Were you really there? And if not, how can appreciate the event? This article talks about mindfulness in meditation, which is certianly one way to practice mindfulness.
However, mindfulness is also something that we work on in our work with horses. Be present while you are leading, otherwise you may not see a hazard up ahead. Be present while you are grooming, otherwise you can’t appreciate the wonderful tactile sensations of feeling your horses warm, fuzzy, curly, sleek coat AND your horse will know if you are not there, impacting your ability to build a releationship, to bond with your horse. And you must be present while riding! There are so many details to coordinate, from where you are
looking to keeping your heels down, that you can’t let your mind go anywhere else or you will not get it all together…And getting it all together is the moment of success and personal satisfaction – when you and your horse are on the same page and riding is fun and effortless! It’s easy to see how this can help with lifting the burden of depression.
If you or someone you know is struggling with enjoying life, being present in the moment and seeing the rich and full potential of every day, give us a call or send us an e-mail. We will show you around, introduce you to our wonderful horses, listent to what you are dealing with and share how we might be able to help.