Temple Grandin is inspiring whether you have a child/teen on the spectrum or not. She has helped so many people better understand autism and has helped the families of those on the spectrum know that there can be a life out there for their child or teen. This clip features Temple talking about autism and shows some footage of the award winning movie that was made about her life.
We work with kids and teens on the spectrum all the time. Together with the family we create goals for the child/teen that we then focus on during our work with horses. It may be to calm/decrease repetitive behaviors, improve communication, decrease anxiety or many other things. Each client works one-on-
one with a Certified Therapeutic Equine Instructor and a horse. They learn to lead, groom, play games and ride.
If you, or someone you know is dealing with the challenges of a child/teen on the spectrum give us a call or send us an email to schedule a visit. We will show you around, introduce you to our wonderful horses, learn more about your situation and share how we might be able to help.