So many times we hear about how hard it is for parents to find the right resources for their child. The good news is that more people are working to provide the specialized services that kids on the Spectrum need and it appears that UNLV has taken a great big step in the right direction! The post tells more about what they are offering in the way of expanded services.
What’s more, UNR also has a fine program and there are more and more services becoming available nationwide.
Work with horses has been shown to offer many benefits to kids, teens and even adults on the spectrum. Increasing focus, decreasing impulsivity, stimulating communication, offering opportunities to practice appropriate self soothing strategies, and much more. Unlike a traditional ‘therapeutic riding’ program, N.E.A.T. focuses on behaviors and our sessions on geared to each client’s individual goals and objectives.
We would love to show you around the ranch, introduce our horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share with you how we might be able to help. Call or email to schedule a visit.