For many people, it is not just one mental health issue they are dealing with. The issues can ‘tag team’ you till you feel just completely overwhelmed. In this Forbes piece by author Amulya Malladi, she shares her experience of struggling with both anxiety and depression and in her book The Copenhagen Affair she explores this situation further, when her
protagonist is depressed after a nervous breakdown and she is also suffering from anxiety – everyday tasks becoming monumental hurdles. It is not hard to imagine how this can spiral into a very dark place.
Many of the clients we work come to us with multiple issues. It is not hard to figure out that if you are dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder you might become depressed about how your life contracts around this condition. Addiction usually starts when someone is dealing with some type of pain, physical/emotional/mental and struggles with a way to ease that pain.
People dealing with trauma may find themselves anxious about many things and also lashing out at others. This might be diagnosed as Oppositional Defiant Disorder in children and teens.
We have our work cut out for us as we untangle what is going on with those we work with. It is so important that we get to the bottom of what is going on if we want to see true and long-lasting growth and change. Work with horses can be powerful, as horses don’t see labels, they simply see behaviors. Because they are prey animals, they can absolutely relate to the underlying fear (anxiety) that drives so many people.
They calm us, they support us (both figuratively and literally!) and they don’t judge us. This lack of being judge can be the first step to not judging ourselves.
We work with issues from addiction to sensory processing issues. ADHD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and so much more. Children as young as 4, teens, adults and seniors, we have a place for everyone. If you or someone you know are struggling with social, emotional, behavioral of mental health issues, we are here for you.
Call or email and we will schedule a visit. You can come out, tour the ranch and meet our incredible herd. We will learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.