Yes, it is not surprising that many Veterans return home with PTSD. They have often lived through and witnessed terrible situations. However, many of us have had traumatic things happen in our lives. From the sudden loss of a parent (through death, divorce, abandonment, etc) to being the victim of or witnessing violence against a loved one,
and even living through an accident or natural disaster. Sometimes it seems amazing that we don’t all struggle with PTSD. Research is showing that some people are more resilient and are able to survive trauma with less impact, but the truth is that many people do struggle, but do not realize that what they are dealing with is PTSD.
Trouble sleeping, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, inability to stay focused, impulsive behavior, depression, sudden mood swings…there are a long list of symptoms and many of them are often attributed to other conditions. But when we look closely at what someone has experienced it becomes easier to put the pieces together and come up with a more valid diagnosis. NPR’s Weekend Edition, provides a look into the lives of people struggling with PTSD, with the goal in mind of encouraging people to seek help AND there is mounting evidence that Equine Assisted can be VERY beneficial in helping those struggle with PTSD to find a path to health and healing.
Work with horses provides a wide range of benefits. It boosts confidence, improves communication, builds trust, promotes self-awareness, provides perspective, reduces anxiety, decreases feelings of isolation and improves impulse control, just to name a few!
At Nevada Equine Assisted therapy we embrace a Trauma Informed Practices model of care for those dealing with those living with PTSD. Our clients work one-on-one with a Qualified Mental Health Associate and the horse they choose to help them on their journey. Our clients learn about horse and herd behavior. While building a
relationship with their treatment team, horse and human, they learn to take care of the horses grooming and, through activities, such as the Parelli Natural Horsemanship Games, develop skills for communication with horses. AND they ride. Though all our work begins on the ground, we have found that their are phenomenal things to be learned once a client is actually up on
their horse. From problem solving to frustration tolerance, things do look different from the back of a horse.
If you or someone you know is struggle with PTSD, seek help. We are here to be part of a comprehensive treatment team. We invite you to come out to the ranch, meet the herd, share what you are dealing with and learn how we may be able to help. Call of email today to schedule a visit.