Because we offer social, emotional, behavioral and mental health interventions, we have seen it for ourselves. We hear the stories of where our clients have come from – neglect, abuse, life threatening events and more – and we see the burden they carry with them from experiencing these
traumatic events. They are in emotional pain. They may shut down and withdraw, or they may act out and strike out. Whatever it takes for them to feel more safe and more in control of the world around them.
Because of our years of experience in dealing with the impact of trauma, our team has taken the time to become aware of the many facets of trauma and its effect on the clients we serve. We have explored this growing body of knowledge through reading and attending workshops and classes. We are committed to providing trauma informed care in our program.
In this article, in the Sentinel News, about the education of a child with a history of trauma, the parent states how thankful she is to find teachers who ‘get it’. This is a really great article about what it takes to provide a caring nurturing and supportive environment for a trauma survivor to grow and flourish.
WE GET IT. You are not alone. We are here to be part of your team, helping your child, teen or even adult family member, find the path to healing and a happier, richer life. There is so much that we can do through work with horses! Give us call or send us an email so we can schedule a visit for you to the ranch. We will show you
around, introduce our wonderful herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.