PTSD is complicated

military womenMost of us can understand how a soldier who has experienced the violence of battle may have trouble adjusting when coming home to a ‘regular’ life. In this situation most of us can understand how ‘Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’ could be a real problem. And it is. However, there are many, many other situation that can lead to PTSD.

June is National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Month. iStock_000000205786Small2The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that roughly 7.7 million adults are living with PTSD, but this disorder can effect people of any age. This article in the Bennington Banner addresses many of the possible causes of PTSD. It lists symptoms and urges anyone suffering from the disorder to seek help.

young-girl-teenager-trouble-sleepingMany of the clients we work with have experienced trauma in their lives. The children and teens we see have often been neglected, abandoned and abused when they are at their very most vulnerable. Work with horses can be an incredibly healing experience. Horses can decrease anxiety, strengthen personal boundaries, improve self-confidence and girl with horse 2so much more!

If you or someone you know is struggling with the aftermath of a traumatic event or are diagnosed with PTSD, seek help. We would be happy to have you come for a visit. We will show you around the ranch, introduce you to our wonderful horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Call or email to schedule a time that works for you.






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