Is it really AD/HD?

homeworkWe see kiddos all the time who have been labeled  with ADHD, when in fact, as this interesting article points out, at times there are other things going on.

Whatever the underlying causes of disruptive behaviors are, work with horses can be helpful. From understanding that impulsive behaviors can worry horses, to learning to stay on task while completing the steps needed to groom and tack-up, kids and teens discover a reason to OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAwork in modifying their behaviors. They may have to practice self-soothing skills when they become frustrated and consider alternative options when faced with a challenge (problem solving skills) while working with their horse. All of these skills, once practiced and learned, can eventually cross over to other areas of a child’s/teen’s life.

P1050064We would be happy to give you a tour of your ranch, introduce you to our horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Call or email to schedule a visit!

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