The Social and Emotional Education of our Children

Homework5YES, our children need to learn certain academic material in order to be competitive in the work place and as they consider college. BUT, as American education focuses more and more on “Common Core” academic standards they are moving further and further away from teaching kids to be healthy, happy adults. NOT every child should be pushed on a path that fails to take into consideration what their personal final destination will be.

Other countries, such as Canada, are looking at Teacher with groupeducation in a much broader sense. This article talks about teaching students how to recognize and manage emotions, to develop caring and concern for others, to establish positive relationships, to make responsible decisions, and to handle challenging situations effectively. WOW! What a concept. This education means that no matter where you end up in your life, you will be able to make better choices that will lead to your own happiness.  This is such an important part of our Sad Little boy 2responsibility to the next generation and yet there is overwhelming evidence that this is an area where we are failing. Divorce, abuse, addiction, suicide, violence against others, what can we do?

At Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy, Daniel grting Baxterthrough work with horses, we specifically address social, emotional and behavioral growth and learning. Our clients, young and old, get hands on experience in developing and improving coping and self-soothing techniques. They are encouraged to develop a bonded and mutually respectful relationship with their horse as well as the human part of their OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAteam. They are allowed to make decisions in a non-judgmental environment and are asked to consider and live with the consequence of those decisions. They also learn and practice a variety of problem solving skills that they can then use in other areas of their lives as well. All this, while hanging out with horses!

If your child or teen is struggling we are to help. We would love to have come out and visit us. We will give you tour, introduce you to our wonderful horses, learn more about the challenges you are dealing with and share with you how we may be able to help. Call or email to schedule a visit.


This entry was posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Children's issues, Depression, Eating Disorders, In my opinion, Mental Health, OCD, ODD, PTSD, Teens. Bookmark the permalink.

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