Through work with horses, Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy – NEAT – provides an innovative approach to encouraging and promoting social, emotional and behavioral growth and learning, as well as an unusual twist on Psycho-Social Rehabilitation (PSR) – a mental health intervention. With horses as our partners, we help children as young as 4, teens, adults and even seniors work through issues that may be keeping them from having rich, full, happy and productive lives. Clients may be referred by therapists, social workers, case managers, teachers or even come to us on their own. Under the guidance of a licensed therapist, our team of Qualified Mental Health Associates (QMHA) focus on each client’s specific issues while working with the horse the client has chosen. These issues may include:

ADHD/ADD/Impulsive Behaviors
Poor Personal Boundaries

Disruptive Behaviors
Autism spectrum disorders
Bipolar Disorder
and more…

We are a Fee For Service (FFS) Medicaid Provider, accept private pay clients and, through a partnership with the For Kids Foundation, offer scholarships for those with limited financial resources. For more information or to schedule a visit, you can reach us at 775-473-5548 or via email at neatinfo@yahoo.com. You can efax us at (775) 986-5115 (must dial the 775. You can also visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/4NEAT