This info could be helpful to all parents of special needs kids…

This online event hosted by Autism Speaks is something I think all parents of special needs kids could benefit from.  “Fighting” the school system can be so frustrating! You need to know your rights and how to make the system work for your child. Here is an opportunity to get some guidance from a professional.

All children deserve access to a “good” education, no matter what their challenges are. Sadly most schools are unprepared to meet the needs of most students – classes are too large and the budget is too small – BUT THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. Remember, teachers, principals and even school boards work for you, the tax payer. You have a right to demand that your “employees” do the job they are hires for. I’m not saying the fight will be easy, but your children are worth it!

We are happy to participate in the IEP process for any of our clients. By partnering with the schools, we can structure some of what we do during our sessions to help the child reach their overall goals, such as decreasing impulsivity and improving the ability to follow directions, which in many cases are goals that the school is addressing as well.

We would love to share more with you about how our program works. Call today to schedule a visit. We will give you a tour of the ranch, introduce you to our wonderful horses and learn more about the challenges you and your child are dealing with.

This entry was posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Autism, Bipolar, Children's issues, Depression, OCD, ODD, Other challenges, PTSD, Sensory processing issues, Teens. Bookmark the permalink.

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