How Domestic Violence Damages Children

Fussy girlsOur children are both resilient and fragile. We are often amazed at how well they bounce back from things, but may not realize the long-term emotional damage they suffer.

There is new research that even when domestic A36W5Jviolence witnessed by children can cause them to be more at risk for anxiety, depression, nightmares, teen dating violence and school problems. The trauma they experience is similar to what they’d feel if they were abused.

It may be difficult, especially for young children, to process and release their fears and anxiety. Work with horses can be a non-threatening, non-OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAconfrontational way to address and work through these kinds of issues. By helping a child rebuild their confidence, by helping them see that they can make choices that will keep them safe and helping them feel successful in the things they do, we can make a difference.

If you know a child who has experienced trauma we are here to help. Call or email to schedule a visit. We will show you around, introduce you to the horses, learn more about the challenges you are dealing with and share how we may be able to make a difference.

This entry was posted in Anxiety Disorders, Children's issues, Depression, Mental Health, PTSD, Teens. Bookmark the permalink.

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