Man, being a parent is a tough job! You want to protect your children from harm and see that they get the best you can offer. You try to love them and guide them through turbulent times while trying to teach them how to be respectful and accept responsibility. You feel their every worry and pain. Being a parent is a lifelong job, but in
truth, sometimes doing and providing less can help more.
This interesting article talks about allowing children to learn how to work through conflict and challenges better prepares them to do so later in life. We would add that allowing children to make as many decisions as reasonably possible AND LIVING WITH THE CONSEQUENCES, is vital for them to become confident decision makers. The article also makes the point that allowing children access to our innermost worries can cause them undo stress. We are the adults and, though difficult and
even scary times happen, we need to create a world of safety and stability (as much as possible) for our children. This is not to say that we do not talk openly about the world and its dangers, but that we reassure our children that they will be ok.
Through work with horses we allow clients to to work through challenges in a safe and non-judgemental environment. They are given lots of opportunities to develop confidence in their ability to make decisions, get to see the immediate results and are allowed to adjust if things don’t turn out the way they expect. Additionally, time spent with horses is a time
of relative tranquility in an often hectic and challenging life. Horses accept us unconditionally, so if you are having a bad day and are feeling discouraged, time spent with a special horse can be soothing and help restore a sense of balance.
We are her to help. We would love to schedule a time to show you and your child/teen around the ranch. We will introduce our incredible equine partners, learn more about what is going on in your life and share how we may be able to help. Call or Email to schedule a visit.
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