I’m always fascinated by the new information that is discovered about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). What has become more and more evident is that there is not just one explanation. The more we know the better we are able to help those on the spectrum have a rich, full and productive life.
This report in Medical Express discusses a new study, published online Oct. 17 in Molecular Psychiatry, that looks why autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are more common in boys than girls. They look at a specific genetic deletion and, though they do find a gender difference in how this deletion plays out, the study does not answer the question of ‘why’. However, the information is another piece of the puzzle and may help in treatment in the future.
Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy works with children, teens and even adults, on the spectrum. Every person on the spectrum presents with a unique set of behaviors, so we meet them where they are. Sometimes this means working on quieting impulsive behaviors while at others, it may mean helping a client ‘come out of their shell’ and encouraging them to interact
more with the world around them. Because we work one-on-one (client, horse and Qualified Mental Health Associate – QMHA) we have no set timeline for what needs to happen and when. Clients respond well to this ‘no pressure,’ yet engaging and, at times challenging, environment.
If you or someone you know is living with ASD, we are here to help. Give us a call or send an email and we will schedule a time for you to visit. We will show you around the ranch, introduce our wonderful horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.