I think most of us would say we are familiar with what ADHD is. We probably picture a little boy running wild, unable to sit still, disrupting a classroom and just plain tearing things up. I would also guess that many of us are also now familiar with some of the more subtle things that go on with someone living with ADHD. The trouble sleeping, the struggle
with relationships and perhaps depression and feelings of frustration and sadness over being ‘different’.
In this ADDITUDE Inside the ADHD mind article, the author, William Dodson, M.D., shares an aspect of ADHD that many of us have probably not considered…the emotional symptoms of ADHD/ADD. I think this is a REALLY important component that many teachers, therapists and caregivers fail to recognize and provide support for. The article suggests that often, these extremely strong emotions are misdiagnosed as a mood disorder or even depression, when in fact they are a part of the ADHD/ADD profile of low self-esteem and feelings of shame and suggests that those struggling
with ADHD/ADD need lots of positive emotional support to deal with these feelings.
Ok, so through work with horses, we can help clients learn to slow down, stay focused and improve their ability to complete tasks. We encourage them to practice self-soothing/self-calming skills. We offer an opportunity to engage in a non-judgemental and accepting relationship, not only with their Qualified Mental Health Associate, but with the horse they
choose to work with AND in a gently challenging, yet non-critical environment, clients develop confidence and build self-esteem.
If you or someone you know are struggling with ADHD/ADD, we are here to help! Call or email and we will schedule a time for you to visit the ranch. We will give you a tour, introduce our incredible horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we might be able to help.