It is very rewarding when new research supports what we know. Working with horses can have a powerful positive impact on the lives of those struggling with PTSD.
This Reuters Health News article discusses the results of a new study with impressive findings. “After three weekly riding sessions, 32 participating veterans lowered their scores for symptoms of the disorder” and “…after six weeks, participants experienced a clinically significant reduction in their symptom scores. In other words, they were capable of doing things – such as going to a
supermarket – that they might have been unable to do when they started the program.”
We know the power of work with horses. We see it every day with our clients. Whether they are struggling with ADHD, anxiety, depression or in so many cases, with PTSD, horses can truly make a difference. That’s why we continue to be committed to creating a program specifically for local Vets and their families. Through the years we have made several contacts with the VA and various local Vet’s organizations, but sadly have had very little success getting anything off the ground. We know there is interest and have even met with representatives from the
VA, but so far nothing has materialized.
WE ARE HERE AND WANT TO HELP. If you know someone who can help us help the Vets in Northern Nevada, please contact us –