When a member of a family is struggling with something, it often the case that the entire family struggles.
Things can be challenging for the person who has ADHD, but the family is also required to make all kinds of adjustments to make life work for everyone. From getting up and getting out the door in the morning, to getting homework done and going to bed, there are a myriad of accommodations that may need to be made. Those with ADHD can require more direction to get simple daily tasks done, so parents may find they have little time for themselves or for siblings. There are school meeting, such as IEPs and often other appointments that need to be managed. Frustration, resentment, depression, exhaustion. So many feelings about what should be a wonderful and joyous time in a families life. This is a very good article in The New York Times about the challenges faced by families living with ADHD.
At Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy, we strive to support the entire family. Yes, the child or teen is the one working with a QMHA (Qualified Mental Health Associate) and a horse on being focused, less impulsive, making decisions, self-soothing and often so much more. However, we are also an empathetic ear for parents, offering understanding and concrete suggestions for strategies that they can try at home and being there to discuss how it all is going. When scheduling allows, we attend IEP
meetings so that the parents feel that they have someone on their side of the table who can help them advocate for what their child needs to be successful and when necessary, we can also offer additional resources, such as PEP and Sierra Regional Services.
We are here to help. We work with children as young as 4, teens and even adults. If you, your child or someone else you know are struggling, give us a call or send us an email so that we can schedule a visit for you. We will show you around the ranch, introduce out wonderful herd to you, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Take the first step today.