It means so much to us to hear from our clients and their families….

The author Paul Coelho has said “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you”. Our family feels this way about everything that led us to N.E.A.T. (Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy) almost three years ago. Now, all three of us cannot imagine our lives without NEAT.

We are grateful for the help that N.E.A.T. has given our grandson Michael, who is our son, as he struggled with incurable epilepsy, alcohol related neurological problems, attention deficit disorder, a chromosome microdeletion, developmental disabilities and other challenges. Equine therapy calmed the rage that he felt about the things that he had lived through and their impact on him. The calm that he found there enabled him to form relationships of trust with horses and people. Michael appreciates his Qualified Mental Health Associate (QMHA) and the work that he does with her impacts his daily life throughout the week. He has gained confidence there and has always felt safe, respected and challenged to be all that he could be. To see a thousand-pound animal who could seem so large and intimidating come to trust you and follow your direction is tremendously empowering. The horses at NEAT are precious unique creatures with amazing personalities and the ability to transform a family’s life.
Debby, Lloyd and Michael.
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