For a lot of families homework can be a one of the biggest challenges of the day. This is especially true with special needs kids.
A new survey talks about what how much is average for different grade levels, why homework is thought to be important and some tips on how to get it done.
Let’s face it. At the the end of the day everyone is usually tired. The old model of kids getting home at between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, getting to play outside for a while, coming in for dinner and by 6:30 sitting down to do homework, is not the reality for most families. Working parents and extra-curricular activities mean that families often don’t even get home till 6:30. Parents are scrambling to get dinner on the table while kids try to get a little attention. Everyone needs to get their things put away, get a shower or bath and get to bed at a decent hour (ENOUGH SLEEP IS VERY IMPORTANT!) Oh, and of course get homework done. And of course parents have their own chores (laundry, feeding/caring for pets, doing the dishes, etc) to fit in. It’s no wonder that homework time is a time of stress and battles in
many homes. Kids are tired and distracted by all the things that go on around them in the home…What can a parent do?
We work with our families on creating structure and realistic expectations. We encourage our families to talk with teachers and administrators about what they expect for their child and to ask for accommodations when the standards do not work for them or their child. We attend IEP meetings with our parents to help them understand expectations and to champion for their child.
Also, through work with horses, we help our clients improve focus and decrease impulsivity. We help them learn to listen and follow directions, building from simple 1 and 2 step instructions needed for grooming to multi-step directions for riding through an obstacle course.
Don’t get me wrong. Homework is important, but a happy, peaceful home and a good nights sleep is important too. Almost every child is capable of sitting down and doing something, but there are many things to consider and lots of options rather than having every evening end in a tearful battle. Take advantage of any resources that are available (after school programs, tutors, online help, etc.) and be prepared to fight for what works for you and your family.
We are here to help with challenges you and your family may be facing. We would love to show you around, introduce you to our wonderful horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Call or email to schedule a visit.