Preparing Schools to be a place of positive experiences for everyone

Anxiet-peopleOur kids face so many daily challenges and for many school is no longer a place of learning, but a place they struggle to survive. Due to a lack of understand and resources they are left behind and find themselves branded as ‘problems’ or ‘stupid’.  Parents are often at odds with educators and school staff who want to blame, punish and exclude kids 9030292who are challenging. Even when everyone works hard and a child has an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) the ‘plan’ may not be followed or update often enough to meet a child’s needs.

NPR has done a good job of sharing some of what is going on in skd225704sdcschools when it comes to mental health issues. This latest installment talks about what needs to happen to make school work better for those dealing with mental health issues.

Making sure that your child/teen gets the best educational experience possible is tough. As part of our client’s team, when possible, we attend IEP meetings to help you advocate for your child. We are always there for parents and caregivers to IMG_3275bounce ideas off of and to offer suggestions and support.

Call or email to schedule a visit. We will show you around the ranch and introduce you to our horses. Once we learn what you are dealing with we can share more about how we may be able to help.

This entry was posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Autism, Bipolar, Children's issues, Depression, Eating Disorders, FAS, Grief, Mental Health, OCD, ODD, Other challenges, PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Schizophrenia, Teens. Bookmark the permalink.

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