This is a very nice article on things you can do to be a good father. It is a tough job. You are a parent for the rest of your life. Being a good parent means taking your child/children into consideration in every decision you make. How does it effect the kids if: I sleep in? How about if I stay home sick from work?
What if we decide to move? What movie will we see tonight? Where should we go on vacation? Can I stop for gas on the way home from work? All of these choices can effect your child/children – maybe only in small ways, but you need to be aware of the consequences of your choices.
Sometimes being a good Dad means seeking that special help your child needs to overcome some personal challenge. Equine Therapy can help with a variety of issues, from ADHD to Autism Spectrum Disorders, we offer a client specific, unique and individual curriculum that is effective for many issues. We would love to show you around the ranch, introduce you to our wonderful horses and share with you how our program may be able to help your child learn, change and grow. Call us to schedule a visit.