This is another article that I think will be really helpful!
My favorite tip is to have realistic expectations.
Of course we always want our kids to be the very most they can be, but the reality is, no matter what we have been told, we are not all created equal. I don’t have what it takes to be an NBA basketball player, a brain surgeon, a deep sea fisherman or another Madonna. That does not mean I don’t have great potential (even at my age!) to be many wonderful and important things. And most importantly, I have the potential to have a rich and happy life. So, just because I find math challenging and really don’t get quantum physics, this does not define me. Nor will it define your child. Let them live and enjoy, even if that means living with something less than an “A” in every subject. Yes they need to work hard and do
their best, but let that be good enough – for you and for them.
Here at N.E.A.T. we help our clients discover and celebrate their strengths. Maybe it’s that they are always kind to their horse, or have wonderful posture. Maybe it is that they always remember to turn and look where they are going, or that they always offer to help put things away.
We make a point of saying “Thank you. I really like the way you…” Yes, we will work on overcoming, or at least minimizing, each client’s challenges, but we never want to lose sight of the wonderful and unique gifts that each client has to offer!
We would love to show you around the ranch, introduce you to our wonderful horses and share more with you about how our program works. Call us today to schedule a visit.