A Candid Look at Life with Autism

makeupIn this very open and personal piece, Lynn Adams shares some of the challenges and choices she has had to make in raising her children, one of whom is on the spectrum. One of the things that is very true is that, even though kids/teens on the spectrum may have some similar personality traits/behaviors, no two situations will ever be alike. autismEach parent must decide what is right for their child and what will work for them and the rest of the family. Though there are no ‘right’ answers for every child, there is one WRONG answer and that is to do nothing.

We work with a many clients on the autism spectrum. From the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAquiet child who has anxiety and difficulty dealing with transitions, to the bubbly teenager who alsoP1130350 deals with anxiety and has trouble making friends to the young adult who flaps his hands (when not brushing his horse or holding the reins) and has almost continual verbal outbursts until mounted, the horses are patient, tolerant and accepting. What’s more, they frustration in adult autismoffer an opportunity for the client to learn and practice new strategies and skills that will help them in other aspects of their lives.

If you are living with autism we would love the opportunity to show you around, introduce you to our horses, learn more about what you are dealing with share with you how we may be able to help. Give us a call or send an email to schedule a visit.



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