Monthly Archives: March 2014

When Healthy Becomes Obsession

I don’t think a day goes by that we don’t hear about some aspect of eating healthy. Whether it is to list the benefits of a Gluten Free diet or to point out the dangers of GMO’s, the media is … Continue reading

Posted in Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Mental Health, OCD, Teens | Leave a comment

A Candid Look at Life with Autism

In this very open and personal piece, Lynn Adams shares some of the challenges and choices she has had to make in raising her children, one of whom is on the spectrum. One of the things that is very true … Continue reading

Posted in Asperger's, Autism, Children's issues, Depression, Mental Health, Sensory processing issues | Leave a comment

Tip of the week 3.3.14

Don’t dwell on unwinnable conflicts Move on. The problems you spend your time and energy on should be both important and improvable. Otherwise, you are better off moving on to things you can change. There are so many things going … Continue reading

Posted in Anxiety Disorders, Depression, In my opinion, Mental Health, Teens | Leave a comment