Wow! This is such a challenging time of year for so many families! The slower pace of summer gives way to the much more demanding schedule of a school year. You struggle to get the kiddos up and out the door on time to make the trek to school. You dread the phone calls or notes from your child’s teacher notifying you of problems – they are talking in class, won’t sit still or are getting along with others. You don’t look forward to the end of the day, when your child’s sad or sullen looks indicate that they are not happy or doing well at school
and then of course their is the nightly battles over homework and the end of day tasks that get them to bed at a
reasonable hour. You give it your best, but end up exhausted, anxious and wonder how you are going to keep on doing this. My heart goes out to you!
We work with kids as young as four, teens and even adults. When addressing ADHD issues through work with horses, we most often focus on staying on task, learning and practicing various routines (grooming and tack-up), developing good ‘problem solving’ skills and the ability to consider the consequences before taking action, to name just a
We invite you to call or email us to schedule a visit. We will show you and your child/teen around the ranch, introduce the horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and will share how we may be able to help. We are here for you.