He just can’t seem to focus….Her bedroom is such a disaster. She can never find anything…How could you forget your homework? Sound familiar? Sometimes we just can’t get a handle on what is going on with our kids. No matter what we do, we can’t seem to get them to change these problem behaviors. The truth is, there may be more going on than just a kid who ‘doesn’t pay attention’ or who ‘just doesn’t listen’.

When we discover that our child is struggling with a mental health issue, we can begin to find real solutions that work. This ‘self test’ provided by ADDitude Inside the ADHD mind, can help you determine if you are dealing with more than just problematic behavior and what steps you can take to help your child if they are dealing with a mental health issue.

One of the things that has proven to be very effective in helping kids and teens with ADHD is Equine Assisted Therapy. There are several articles that talk about the benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy for those struggling with ADHD.

From improved focus to building confidence, Equine Therapy offers unique opportunities for growth, learning and change. Though is is an older article in EVERYDAY HEALTH, (NARHA is now known as PATH – Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) the information and conclusions about the benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy are still valid. This article in ADDitude Inside the ADHD Mind, talks about how work with horses can help those with ADHD can have feel good about themselves, control their emotions, and promote healthy relationships.

If you have a child struggling with ADHD, seek help. Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy (N.E.A.T.) can be a powerful addition to a comprehensive treatment plan. Give us a call or send us an email and we will schedule a tour of the ranch. We will introduce you to our wonderful herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.