Not Everyone Experience Depression in the Same Way

My guess is, that when most people think of ‘depression,’ they think of overwhelming sadness and perhaps grief, but this is not how everyone with dealing with depression feels. For many people it is an inner deadness to all feelings. No joy. No sorrow. Nothing. Like trying to experience life while wrapped in bubble wrap.

In a PsychCentrals blog on this topic,

The blog article is informative, talking about where these feelings of ‘numbness’ may be coming from, and suggesting several strategies for self-help.

Several things on the suggestions list can be implemented and even amplified through work with horses. We often check in with our clients about how they are feeling. We find that even if a client starts their session ‘not feeling it’ by the end of the session they report that they are feeling better ‘Sammy makes me happy!’ We talk about feelings, working on a variety of ways to express how something feels. Maybe grooming a horse makes a client feel ‘soft and warm,’ while asking for the trot makes a client feel ‘tingly’. And best of all, spending time with horses is VERY nurturing!

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, there is help available. Work with horses can be an powerful part of a treatment plan. Call or email and we will schedule a visit to the ranch. We’ll show you around, introduce our wonderful horses, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.


Posted in Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grief, Mental Health, PTSD | Leave a comment

Anxiety and Friendship

Anxiety can cascade into so many different areas of someone’s life. Yes, people may feel anxious about all kinds of things and this anxiety may keep them from doing things, even things that they may enjoy. But it can be even more complicated. When someone stops doing the things they usually do, they may also cut themselves off from friends and family. This can cause the person who is struggling to feel like they are letting others down and even lead to the added burden of depression.

In this The Mighty blog, author Juliette Verzi talks about how anxiety can cause someone to do things that may seem impolite or rude. The person struggling is not unaware of their behavior and can end up feeling like they are a ‘bad friend’. She invited people who follow her blog to share their experiences and stresses that ‘True Friends’ will understand and stick with you.

I have to say, I am currently working with a client that struggles in this area. She fears the rejection that may result from her lack of engagement, so at times she is the ‘first mover,’ pushing away family and friends. This makes her feel sad and more and more isolated. We are working on her being more open and honest about what she is feeling, especially when it comes to her family. She is reminded that she would not lash out at her horse ‘You wouldn’t treat Sammy that way’ even if she was feeling anxious about something. She is learning and practicing self-soothing/calming skills that she can use when she does feel anxious. She is a very sensitive young lady and we will continue, with the help of her horse, Sammy, who she adores, to work through this.

Anxiety can be debilitating. Don’t let it steal your love of life. Seek help. We are here to be a part of a comprehensive treatment plan. We would be happy to schedule a visit for you to the ranch. We show you around, introduce our incredible herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Call or email us today.

Posted in Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Bipolar, Depression, Eating Disorders, Mental Health, PTSD, Teens | Leave a comment

What Lies Ahead for Those on the Spectrum

It is a wonderful thing that we now have so many great interventions for kids on the spectrum. We have learned a lot and now at a very early age, kids on the autism spectrum are receiving lots of services that can help them move towards integration into more neuro-typical situations.

Even in our schools we are seeing more acceptance and accommodations being made that allow kids and teens on the spectrum to be successful. Even some colleges are now offering special programs so that people facing challenges can continue higher level education.

However, at some point, these ‘kids’ become adults and we are still really struggling to figure out where they will fit in. This Huffington Post ‘Opinion’ piece shares one mother’s struggle to help her son find a life that will support him as he becomes a more independent adult. The truth is, we need to make a sure that people who are capable of contributing and are probably happiest when they feel like they are accepted and part of the world around them have options! There are some and I encourage you to check out what your community has to offer and share it here in the comments section. I am proud to say that locally, Starbucks offers a wonderful training program that allows those with challenges to find a place with the Starbucks family.

Yes, Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy works with children as young as 4, teens and even adults on the autism spectrum. Through work with horses, we build social cue awareness, self-soothing/calming skill and increase self confidence (among other things!) All skills that will help them throughout their lives. We are here to be a part of a comprehensive treatment team. Call or email us and we will schedule a visit for you to the ranch. We will show you around, introduce our wonderful herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.

Posted in Asperger's, Autism, Children's issues, Teens | Leave a comment

The Challenges of More Than One Diagnosis

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is complicated. Because it is a spectrum, you have both low functioning, perhaps non-verbal people and then you have those who may just seem ‘quirky’. They don’t always fit in and are usually (but not always) socially awkward. However, it gets even more challenging when you add a mental health issue, such as ADHD.

There is new research that this combination of a neurological issue (ASD) and a mental health issues (ADHD) can lead to other serious issues. Obviously, this complicates the lives of both those who struggle with these issues and the family who works so hard to support them. According to Paul H. Lipkin, director of Medical Informatics and the Interactive Autism Network at Kennedy Krieger Institute, “The takeaway from the study’s findings, and one that both parents of children with ASD and doctors need to keep in mind, is that managing these psychiatric disorders is a dual effort. That by working closely together in monitoring a child for anxiety and mood symptoms, we can ensure early diagnosis and treatment, which is key to preserving a child’s quality of life.”

At Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy we look at the whole picture. With ASD we may work on building confidence, reading social cues and engaging appropriately with peers and adults. With ADHD we probably will be working on increasing focus and decreasing impulsive behaviors. With a mood disorder we again are looking at building confidence, but also on being able to express feelings in an open and appropriate way and on learning and utilizing self-soothing and calming skills.

The bottom line is, if you know a child who is struggling, seek help. We are here to help. Call or email us and we can schedule a visit to the ranch. We will introduce our wonderful herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.

Posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Autism, Children's issues, Depression, Mental Health, Teens | Leave a comment

ADHD a Neurological Disorder?

Wow! There is some fascinating new research that is pointing to the possibility that “early-onset brain anomalies” in young children, may be tied to “attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in preschoolers”. The article appears in The New York Times and the result of the study were published Monday in Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. The results “tell us that this is not just a behavioral disorder. It is a neurological disorder.”

The good news is, when we begin early interventions, we can reshape/rewire and expand the brain’s function. According to Dr. Mark Mahone, the senior author of this study, “…what matters most is not so much what the brain looks like at any particular moment…but how the brain grows and changes; it’s the trajectory that needs to be understood, and which will help project future function and target help and interventions”.

Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy works with children as young as 4. We provide one-on-one interactions for each client with a Qualified Mental Health Associate and a horse of the client’s choosing. Through work with horses, clients build on their ability to stay focused and on task. They diminish impulsive behaviors “they worry our horse,” build self-confidence and learn to set safe personal boundaries (among other things!)

If you know a child that is struggling with ADHD, (or other social, emotional, behavioral or mental health issues) we are here to help. Call or email and we will schedule a visit for you. We will show you around the ranch, introduce our wonderful herd of horse, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.

Posted in ADHD, Children's issues, Mental Health, Teens | Leave a comment

Powerful Article About Mental Health Issues

I’m not going to say much in the way of a ‘lead in’ to this really candid article about one mother’s struggle to help her son, while keep herself and her family safe. Suffice to say, we have seen this same story many times through the years we have been providing mental health interventions. If this is your story, seek help and know that you are not alone. Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy can be a powerful part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Now, let me share Liza Long’s story… be sure to read the follow up piece at the end of the article.

Again, you are not alone. There are answers. Seek help. If you need a referral, call or email us and we will do what we can to help.

Posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Autism, Bipolar, Children's issues, Depression, Mental Health, ODD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Schizophrenia, Teens | 1 Comment

Equine Therapy Helps Alleviate PTSD Symptoms

It is very rewarding when new research supports what we know. Working with horses can have a powerful positive impact on the lives of those struggling with PTSD.

This Reuters Health News article discusses the results of a new study with impressive findings. “After three weekly riding sessions, 32 participating veterans lowered their scores for symptoms of the disorder” and “…after six weeks, participants experienced a clinically significant reduction in their symptom scores. In other words, they were capable of doing things – such as going to a supermarket – that they might have been unable to do when they started the program.”

We know the power of work with horses. We see it every day with our clients. Whether they are struggling with ADHD, anxiety, depression or in so many cases, with PTSD, horses can truly make a difference. That’s why we continue to be committed to creating a program specifically for local Vets and their families. Through the years we have made several contacts with the VA and various local Vet’s organizations, but sadly have had very little success getting anything off the ground.  We know there is interest and have even met with representatives from the VA, but so far nothing has materialized.

WE ARE HERE AND WANT TO HELP. If you know someone who can help us help the Vets in Northern Nevada, please contact us –

Posted in Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Mental Health, PTSD | Leave a comment

Autism Includes a Serious Risk of Depression

Today we are so much more aware of how we can help kids with autism lead a rich and full life. For many, early interventions lead to much higher functioning and the ability to integrate into mainstream situations. Additionally, most neuro-typical people are more aware of what autism is and are usually more accepting and less critical of others who may be living with this condition. This is especially true for those who are high functioning. Accommodations are made and we see more and more kids/teens reaching for their highest potential.

They graduate from high school, maybe go on to take college classes and perhaps find a job. But, sadly, a new study finds ‘nearly half of adults with autism will experience clinical depression in their lifetime’. This article in The Conversation points to the fact ‘…that depression is more common in individuals with autism who have higher intelligence’. This does not seem surprising to me, as with higher intelligence comes greater self-awareness, which would simply emphasize the personal challenges to be faced by someone on the spectrum. They are more aware that they are ‘different’ and that they don’t always ‘fit in’.

We need to be vigilant and offer lots of opportunities for those on the spectrum to engage life to the fullest. Finding ways to boost self-confidence and self-esteem are vital. Helping them build better self-soothing and problem solving skills will help them throughout their lives.

Guess what? These are all things that can be accomplished through work with horses! At Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy we work with children as young as 4, teens and even adults on the spectrum. From overcoming anxiety in a new situation, to learning to read the horses body language and experiencing the surging self-confidence as they learn to ride, our clients blossom through the work they do with their horse.

If you know someone on the spectrum who needs some additional support or encouragement, give us a call or send us an email. We will schedule a visit for you to the ranch. We will show you around, introduce our incredible herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help.

Posted in Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Asperger's, Autism, Depression, Mental Health | Leave a comment

Alarming Statistics On Teen Suicide

Teens today face so many challenges. Our world is very demanding and extremely stressful. Demanding schedules, high expectations, increased responsibility and all too often a feeling of being disconnected can all leave a teen feeling overwhelmed. Our teens are taking their own lives at a historic rate. “The Centers for Disease Control reported recently that suicide rates for teenage girls in the United States have hit a 40-year high”.

This USAToday story not only gives statistics, but offers some thoughts on what can be done to change the direction our teens are taking. From being more open to talking about suicide and depression to comprehensive ‘screenings’ and effective treatment, there are things that can be done to stop this crisis that is stealing our teens…our future…

Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy offers a Psycho-Social Rehabilitation (PSR) which can be an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our staff of Qualified Mental Health Associates work one-on-one with each client and the horse they have chose to work with. We encourage our clients to build a relationship with their ‘equine partner’. They learn about horse and herd behavior and why horses do what they do. They work on building self-confidence and leadership skills. They practices self-soothing and calming techniques, all in a non-judgmental, supportive, yet stimulating environment.

We are here to help. If you know a teen who may be struggling, PLEASE SEEK HELP. We will be happy to schedule a visit for you to come out and tour the ranch, meet the horses, share more about what is going on and learn more about how our program works and how we may be able to help. Call of email us today.

Posted in Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar, Children's issues, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grief, Mental Health, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Teens | Leave a comment

What You do Does Make a Difference

As parents we struggle. We often feel stretched beyond our abilities. We have so many demands on us and though we try to do the right thing, but so often feel that it is just not enough, especially when we are dealing with children/teens with special needs.

Parenting a child/teen with ADHD offers its own very special set of challenges. From the moment we all get up the morning until you fall into bed at the end of the day, we are often pushing and pulling your child/teen to get the to do what they need to and to be where they are supposed to. There are times when we question whether any of it really matters and wish for a nice cozy cave to take our own time-out in.

But what we do does matter. KDRV.COM shares some results of a recent study that shows how important positive interactions are for kids/teens living with ADHD. Cleveland Clinic’s Michael Manos, Ph.D. notes that “children learn to manage themselves more effectively when parents use a positive approach – and this is true for all children, not just those with ADHD”.

Of course, stuff happens and we are not always great parents, but when we know better, we do better! Give it your best and know that it matters.

At Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy, not only do we work to help kids/teens with whatever issues they are dealing with, but we offer support and strategies to help parents as well. Sometimes that just means being heard. At the start of each session we check in to find out how the past week has gone. We celebrate with you when things have gone well and commiserate when things have been tough, offering not only words of encouragement, but concrete suggestions for things that may help.

If your child/teen is struggling we may be able to help. We would be happy to schedule a visit. We will show you around the ranch, introduce our wonderful herd, learn more about what you are dealing with and share how we may be able to help. Call or email today.


Posted in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Children's issues, Depression, Mental Health, OCD, ODD, Teens | Leave a comment